Fugitive Emission Control

GCT staff has extensive experience in reducing fugitive emissions from plants in order to achieve environmental compliance requirements. GCT also has expertise in the engineering and design of industrial ventilation systems. Specific GCT capabilities in the areas of fugitive emissions prevention and industrial ventilation include:

  • Protecting employees and equipment from heat stress and dust exposure
  • Field measurements and emissions quantification
  • Secondary emissions control
  • Molten metal transfer emissions control
  • Process vessels secondary hooding
  • Meet environmental compliance for visible emissions through building roof line
  • Materials handling dust control

Gas Cleaning Services

GCT provides gas cleaning services such as process gas handling, fugitive emission control, bulk material handling, and more.


GCT provides waste heat recovery solutions, plant energy audits, decarbonization roadmap development, and many more energy services.


GCT is proud to provide hydrogen services for applications such as metallurgical reduction, industrial thermal heat, and power generation.

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